Ready to attract a swarm of dream client leads + a newsletter that converts them into loyal long-term customers and payment notifications EVERY WEEK??
Yes it actually is possible...And I've got just the thing to help!

Learn How to Quickly Build & Grow Your Mailing List for Steady, Reliable Income
For "non-marketers" (aka regular humans who are course creators, coaches, and service providers) who want to be awesome at their online marketing like everyone else!
LIMITED TIME BONUSES: Get your pays on my booklet of high-converting email scripts, page templates and step-by-step trainings that have attracted thousands of subscribers, and earned myself tens of thousands of dollars, too!
Total value - Over $3,078!!
🤩🌟🌟🌟🌟 🤩

Caitlin Drachen
"I landed a dream client for a new service so soon after making use of Letitia's tips! It was the best client experience that I ever had! I just got... a customer who was eager to give me money. What a game changer! My self confidence, ideas and intuition are validated AF. I can’t even begin to tell you how much this has exceedingly transformed me and my work. Letitia’s teaching voice stood out from the deafening noise. She makes creation feel safe, natural and wonderful. Before, I always felt like work was something that you had to psych yourself up to do...not anymore. And then recover from! Buy everythinggg that Letitia creates, seriously. It will change your life."
From The Desk Of Letitia Elizabeth
Rome, Italy June 2019
Dear Lovely,
According to the Direct Marketing Association, over 66% of purchasers claim they made a purchase based on an email marketing message. This tells you that email marketing is very important. And this is a fact that isn’t changing anytime soon.
In fact, according to McKinsey & Company, email marketing is almost 40 times better at new customer acquisition than Facebook and Twitter combined. COMBINED! Yesss my friends, blink all you want to, but you read that right. All that social media scrolling and praying won’t do nearly as good a benefit for you as handy dandy email. The Direct Marketing Association even reports that marketing managers, on average, currently earn an ROI of 38 dollars per every 1 dollar spent on email marketing. In other words, if you invest a simple $100 into the art of list building, you’d receive almost $4K back! Sound worth it for you yet?
If you need even more convincing, here is a screenshot today of my own personal numbers. I was steady moving along averaging about $2,000-$6,000 a month on my new digital coaching products website. 🙈 Ok...let me be quite honest and rephrase that...I was steadily being a lazy arse and neglecting my marketing strategies for my new website! No emails going out whatsoever. 🤷🏾♀️ Nada, zilch. 🤦🏾♀️ Then I made a switch and invested $199 on a new platform with email marketing software that had all the bells + whistles, put a little elbow grease in utilizing all the strategies I know about listbuilding that I will teach you in this guide, and saw an immediate (plus gradual and steadily increasing) 1,400+ return on my investment!! The ROI speaks for itself. I now make $10K+ months (aka print-on-demand money) with ease like clockwork, and working on $20,000 a month by this summer from that department of my business alone.

Why You Need To Build An Email List
If you have been around for any length of time online, you've probably heard the phrase, “the money is in the list,” from experienced marketers and they’re not joking. This refers to the idea that the key to profitability with marketing is having your own subscriber list that buys from you. You may have heard this adage around, if not, you soon will. Because as you can see from my own examples my love, it’s true. When you have a healthy, targeted email list where you promote relevant products and services, your income can grow exponentially. However, you also need to learn to write attention-grabbing, result-oriented emails that are opened, read, and acted upon.
This ultimate 4 week step-by-step guide will show you exactly what you need to do to build and grow your email lists for bigger profits.
With this guide in tow, you’ll be taken by the hand and shown every single step, whether you’re a complete newbie or intermediate and looking to brush up your skills, this toolkit covers it all! Plus, the BONUSES are something you can’t miss! Did someone mention copy-paste templates?? Ohhh yes, life just got easier for you!
You landed on this page for a reason.
Which is perfect, because I’ve crafted something exactly for case you happen to be one of THOSE people. Wink.
It’s for sure what you need during these uncertain times of job loss, financial insecurity, and dream killing frenzy. Whether you are an expert in psychology, or nutrition, or tarot, crochet,or yoga, or baby deliveries...or anything else other than marketing...
You would have spent years practicing, perfecting and refining your skills. Riiight?
Years learning the hard way what works, and what doesn't.
So, why on earth would you expect email marketing to be any different?
Learning the fine art (and it is an art!) of growing, nurturing and converting your email list takes thousands of hours (and lots of expensive mistakes might I add!)
But most people don't have years (or thousands of dollars) to waste. Do YOU?
You need to be growing that list and making those sales, TODAY!
Start Building Your Email List The Easy Way... Right Now!
Buy this guide today and you'll learn:
- How to develop a flaming hot mailing list filled to the brim with active, responsive buyers who are eager to receive your emails and respond to your offers! Like, starting as little as 20 minutes.
- Copywriting best practices for making more sales, even if you suck at writing or hate writing or try to write 500x with no plan while your infant is suckling away and distracting the buhjeezus out of you!
- How to nurture (aka ENGAGE) your list to keep them returning for more. And more!
- Tracking/optimization tips for maximizing profits even if you are not that tech savvy.
- Challenge tips for how to build an email list of 1000 subscribers in 30 Days and profit from Your first Real attempt at a newsletter so you can build up buzz around a future product launch!
- BONUS TIPS: Create profitable websites that are guaranteed to be successful based on your email surveys!
- Learn how you can create successful email campaigns without ever writing a line of text yourself! (This method will save you hundreds of dollars over the year while)
- The critical steps to building a highly effective, mass converting opt-in page! Just review my checklist of essential lead magnet page elements and guarantee yourself a winning lead capture page, every single time! (99% of new business owners absolutely overlook the most important components that you absolutely NEED!)
- …and a whole lot more!

Get everything you need to start or revive your own profitable email list
This is your chance...the time is NOW. Take command of your marketing and sales by grabbing this guide to feel confident about your email list. Finally!
unlock my secret templates, scripts + formulas for more subscribers, engagement + sales
Are you a little tired of hearing how great list building is, and want to know how to get your own email list up and running like the successful business ladies you admire online?
Have you read so many eBooks, but they only confuse the heck out of you because it’s WAY too technical and your brain can’t handle anymore PHD degree level terminology?
Do you already know some of the tools successful email marketers use, but don't really understand how to use them yourself without a little guidance?
Do you simply have no clue how to build your email at to save your life?!
If you answered yes to ANY of these questions, then this will be one of the most important guides you ever purchase for yourself. Consider it an act of SELF CARE! That’s how many headaches the guide will save you.

There are certain rules and guidelines you should follow if you plan on being successful with email marketing, and all of this is taught in the Ultimate Guide To Listbuilding. When done strategically,, email marketing can be a very lucrative marketing vehicle for your business, your brand, and your reputation. This guide will show you the proper way to begin building your list, forming a relationship with them, and getting them to trust you so that they will be more likely to purchase products and services you recommend to them.
Allow me to introduce:
"The Selfmade Ladies’ Ultimate Guide To Listbuilding"
Here's exactly what you'll get inside:

Learn the easy way to make sure your emails are not just opened and read, but loved by your list as well.

Learn step-by-step how to start a highly converting, highly profitable email list that will be a joy to run. You'll be printing money like a bank while you sleep with these secret strategies!

Feel super confident about what you're learning with weekly worksheets to help you integrate + implement all the strategies. Receive a bonus report checklist with 100 extra tips for attracting dream clients!

Short on time? Sure you are! No worries, you're covere d with this fast-action guide that will have you list building in as little as 20 minutes a day. See results in less than a week!

FAST-ACTION BONUS #1: Point-By-Point Checklist
View or print this handy checklist so that you can check off each point. It is like a summary of the entire guide but in actionable, bite-sized points so that you can successfully get through the course.

FAST-ACTION BONUS #2: Resource Cheat Sheet
You'll also get access to a rolodex of top sites, blogs, forums, tools, apps and services to get you even further.
Inside you'll find:
Top blogs and forums
Top tools
Top tips and how to's
+ More!

Are you a visual learner as well? A quick glance over this mindmap and you'll get an instant refresher of all the major points and action steps from the main guide!
Does that sound good or what?
Claim Your Instant Access:
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“I know how to do my job... but I’ve had a really hard time conveying that to potential clients and reaching them. My confidence has skyrocketed now. Letitia is magic. She’s able to reach deep inside of you with her guidance, shake you up, and make you believe in yourself SO much that the world HAS to stop and take notice of you! Without Letitia, I wouldn’t have done it. No joke. I've earned almost $3,000. It’s only been a few weeks!”
“I literally went from confusion, overwhelm, and, major anxiety - not to mention zero confidence -- to feeling that I could actually start a real business and already signing three fully paid, amazing, kickass clients who I LOVE working with. 🤩 This guidance gave me the push I truly needed; the exercises Letitia lays out allowed me to clear out all of the fluff and clutter and focus in on what I wanted to achieve and how I was going to get there. I had all of these thoughts, ideas and ambitions but no idea how to turn them into something real. I was just so worried that I had to desperately attract ANY kind of customer to make being self-employment work. Now I'm so much happier!! 🔥 I don't know how to be more specific than without with Letitia, I wouldn't have set up my business [properly]. Thanks to this, I had the guts to invest time into making my dream a reality and it's starting to come true! ”

Imagine if...
Every time you looked in your email platform, subscriber counts are growing by hundreds
Every email you sent was opened, and read and shared by your growing list of raving fans...
And best of all you notice every single day, you are getting more traffic, more client inquiries, and more sales
... this is how it should be.. and how it can be for you, too!
The Ultimate Guide To Listbuilding
💎 How Can YOU Use This Powerful Guide Right Now? 💎
You can own the Ultimate Guide To Listbuilding together with all the bonuses for a mere $497.00
I know, I know, that is a truly incredible deal!
Did I mention all four weeks of this guide plus ALL the bonuses and a personal workshop with me is only $97.00? It’s definitely a point worth repeating. You will be hard-pressed to find a more valuable resource. I'm delighted to have the chance to share this powerful guide with you. Once you get INSTANT ACCESS you can begin using what you learn in the guide or bonuses and get results as soon as TODAY!
Here’s how to get started…
1.) Simply click the button below
2.) Enter your information
3.) Within seconds of processing your order, you’ll get instant access to the entire ultimate list building system...
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YES! I want instant access to ULTIMATE LISTBUILDING which includes:
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💎 Fast Action Bonus: Resource Cheat Sheet
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+ I want to make sure you love it!
I get it, times like these even the smallest of investments make you think twice. So I am taking away all the risk. When you purchase today, you'll be covered by our 7-day money back guarantee.So if at any time in the next 7 days you believe this ultimate guide is not AT LEAST worth the teeny investment you are making today, all you need to do is email us and let us know and we'll refund you in full. This way there's literally nothing to lose (but everything to gain) If you are ready to start growing a list of action-taking subscribers, then this is the guide you’ve been waiting for.