Does this sound like you?
"What am I even doing?"
This indeed is the age old question for the overwhelmed, busy, and directionless mind trying to make it ahead in life and business. "What the actual heck am I doing?!" you say to no one in particular...almost daily. That's because a little pesty problem persists. No matter how ambitious, focused, and determined you feel, doing what you say you're going to do is a b**tch. Doing it consistently every.single.day? Now THAT, is some Oprah level mastery.
Your inconsistency ends now.
Accountability Coaching exists for you to embody the person who has an idea, and actually follows through.
Screw Downloading Another Freebie.
You Need Results.
Because you and I both know...you don’t have any more time to waste.
So the real question is...
How can I personally relieve you of roadblocks today?
You are trying to do something. Create something. Become someone. Go places. Make impact.
Yet, if you're finding your thoughts are hella messy and you struggle to take decisive action, I can 150% help you. Together we can and will break any of your daily challenges, frustrations, or big vision goals into small and manageable daily steps that you can complete in 20 minutes or less. It all happens via chat (Text, WhatsApp or Direct Message) and you pay only for what you need. This is the ultimate perfect solution for really "busy" people who don’t want yet another phone call or Zoom meeting on their calendar, they don't want overwhelm or anxiety added to their life, they simply want more clarity and more results. NOW.
But the elephant still in the room is..when you actually think back on your busy, overwhelming schedule last week...did you actually get anything truly valuable done?
Do you even remember last week?
Everything is starting to feel jumbled, and you’re in a daze. The hours collapse, and the days fold into each other.
Tasks keep rolling over to the next day instead of being marked complete.
You are one smart cookie though, there’s no question about it.
So what is it then? What is happening deep down in your gut where you have everything within you to be successful, yet your day-to-day is still a struggle?
The endless tasks and “ideas to try” are consuming you.
Everyday there is a new priority that feels even more urgent than the last.
Anytime you even hear someone mention shiny object syndrome, guilt and shame start to rise up in your body.
I get it.
The distractions never die.
Not knowing what to do or where to start is an epidemic for most visionary, ambitious women on the rise.
But, what is the cost of you staying distracted and not getting focused?
I think we both know… it’s a graveyard of dreams instead of a field blossoming with success. It's going back to the soul sucking 9-5 life forever with your tail between your legs. And even worse, it's a life of mediocrity. Simply because you refuse to ask + invest in some support for yourself.
Mediocrity in your business, your income, your family, and your life.
Now, is that truly what you want to leave as your legacy...mediocrity and unrealized dreams?

How are you supposed to know exactly what to focus on every week in order to move closer to your goals…especially as a one-woman show? It's not like they teach us this stuff in school right.
Plussss, I mean let’s be real. No one is technicallyyy watching you, right?
You COULD just take a night off to binge on Netflix.
You COULD chat with friends, surf social media, or find other ways to willingly sabotage yourself.
But will you wake up next year in the same exact spot financially, mentally, and spiritually?
Most likely, yes. Which is SAD. Yes, that's sad with capitals.
Don’t worry girlfriend, this is not rocket science. We aren’t trying to cure world epidemics here. We simply want you off the couch and into the zone so that you’re acting like the real bonafide CEO of your life. And not just on Mondays.

Okayyy Letitia, you smarty pants, what IS this mysterious accountability coaching & why do successful ladies love it so much?!

1: Pick a specific goal or challenge you are facing right now
For example, it could be quitting your job to start a business, or creating a healthier money mindset, or simply being held accountable to complete your chores! Anything that would benefit from support or a kick in the butt throughout the day. Each accountability coaching message you receive is then carefully developed with a set of prompts that are thoughtfully designed to retrain your brain to combat addictive patterns, negative self talk, self-sabotage, perfectionism, and procrastination.

2: Reach out and receive UNLIMITED support
Yes, unlimited support, pep talks, accountability, and kicks in the butt! You can work on quite literally whichever goal or challenge you are facing right now. You can then move on to new goals and problems daily, weekly, or monthly. It’s up to you. When I receive your goal I will respond with a small task that will help you begin unpacking the challenges at hand. The intention is never to rush forward and try to get it over with. It’s much better to aim to get into a steady rhythm of making small but tangible progress every day. That’s also why my promise to you is that I will always respond within 24 hours.
3: You decide when you are done
Maybe you want to solve one thing and you’re done after the first few months or so. Maybe you want to move on to other goals and build the momentum which I promise you will see immediately. Maybe you just want to go a bit slower and a bit deeper and receive this sort of focused support and attention for an entire year or more. It’s really up to you. You can cancel anytime. There are no “contracts” where you have to commit to several months or years.
Why do mah ladies absolutely LOVE this:
π Consistency, repetition, accountability – all on a daily, laser focused basis.
π Fingertip access to one of the most results-oriented coaches & supportive group of ambitious women available.
π Financially reasonable – text coaching is very inexpensive compared to other solutions out there.
π Geography irrelevant – it doesn’t matter where you live or what your time zone is!

You’ve OD’d on online courses, DIY’ed as much as you can and have more than enough online tools than you'll ever need.
Now, what?
Up until this point...
You've had trouble organizing your thoughts and ideas, a tiny bit of resistance around valuing yourself and your work highly (hello higher pricing!!) and...everything feels random & scattered!
This blows your mind because you know deep down you are 100% THAT BITCH.
Why don't you feel any clearer about your next move?
So why isn't your business growth + expansion coming together with more ease?
The thing is gorgeous one (and I'm gonna give it to you straight)…..
You're most likely working a job, raising a family, trying to keep your relationship together, spin all the plates and trying to drink enough water. Doing whatever the hell those aerial yoga moves are that give people nice arms!
All while also either trying be the best human, stay healthy, tap into your spirituality, invest in your retirement, ohhh and not to mention building or growing a business after dark in the wee hours of the morning or evenings without a mentor or a friggin strategy that makes sense.
You’re like an Olympian without a coach.
The world's best athletes don't walk up to a match without a coach or a solid strategy in place.
So, why should you be any different?
With everything you have going on in your life right now, you need someone by your side to give you a customized strategy, hold you accountable while accepting no BS excuse and one who lovingly takes into consideration:
Your vision
Your current mindset
Your strengths
Your life.
You need Clarity, Design, Strategy, Accountability & Results.
2022 SPECIAL!!
Love a good deal? Show the universe how committed you are by investing in yourself with our New Year pricing and save up to 40%, then never worry about failing or procrastination ever again!
ALL IN Committed - save 15%
You'll Receive:
- A private 1-on-1 Life or Business Audit call where I review 100% of your ideas and create an action plan
- EVERYTHING included in Basic Monthly package
- Unlimited all access accountability coaching
- FREE Journaling Club membership pass
- FREE Escape Plan Club membership pass
- Tons of exclusive BONUSES!
VIP All-Star!! - save 25%
You'll Receive:
- EVERYTHING included in the All In monthly package
- Private one-to-one accountability coaching PLUS the group coaching
- VIP half day coaching call intensive where we go over ALL things happening for you right now
- Custom tailored action plan with full month-to-month breakdown of strategies
- Daily checkins just for you, sent privately for focus, clarity, and confidentiality
- Personalized worksheets, workbooks, and journals created just for you by our team
- FREE Access to ALL SelfMade Ladies courses in our School
Accountability Coaching
Month-to-month laser focused accountability + coaching to clarify your big visions, your message, intentions and goals, or personal brand without having to learn something new or buy another damn business course...cuz you're a savvy woman and your family needs food!
Perhaps you’re not in a season of wanting a coach to walk intensively through some goal; you don’t need an experienced coach to talk to every week or so by phone and video.
But you’ve noticed that having a sounding board and accountability partner who checks in at intervals keeps a fire under your own growth. The 8% Club is the most affordable and accessible solution for you to gain access to a coach, on top of as-needed support via text to help throughout the month with feedback which will help you stay in top form in your work or life. This club puts my 17 years experience in your corner...ready to be your connection to the science and strategy that will elevate you to your best thinking, doing, and being.
Working with me, you'll start to get total joy from checking off items on your list that are your MITs - most important tasks.
Accountability coaching is your secret weapon to help grow and establish your daily rituals, manifestations, or business.
This consistent action-taking experience is for you if…
- You feel frustrated because you know what you need to do to reach your goals, but you struggle to do what you know, consistently.
- You doubt yourself and your ability to try new things that move your work forward, then stick with them until enough tangible results emerge for you to test + track.
- You got into business to feel free and accomplished, but you have a million other little priorities begging for your attention getting in the way.
- You keep giving up and reverting back to old, bad habits when you have an “off day,” you get sick, have family visiting, see Aunt Flow come to town, experience work pressures, or when you get emotionally overwhelmed by your responsibilities
- You want to stop wishing you could reach your goals and actually start accomplishing what you’ve been saying to anyone who will listen that you need and want to do.
If this is you, Good.
Because now you have struck gold on finding a trusted solution, and it’s your time to RISE lady.
Unlimited accountability coaching. On-Demand!
In the past, using a quality career coach was a challenge. It was expensive, you had to book time on the calendar weeks in advance, and good luck asking follow-up questions after the time you purchased had expired.
We’ve changed all of that. Affordability and flexibility are now available to you through mobile, on-demand help via voice and text messages. Need quick and helpful life or business advice? Simply text your coach and get the answer instantly. It’s that simple.

What have you been missing?!
Hey love, hey! Letitia Elizabeth here. For the past 13+ years I have helped hundreds of women transform their ambitious and entrepreneurial lives, and the ONE THING that guaranteed they accomplished what they set out to achieve was not my expert strategies or cornball smile, (it's a good smile tho right!) it was ACCOUNTABILITY-style coaching. Why? Because I was once there too; at the very beginning of my one-woman-cant-afford-any-team-members-show it was just me, myself and I, trying to always stay self-motivated and self-disciplined to never fall off the wagon. Ever.
Guess how well that went?
I would stare off into the distance constantly, fantasizing about being one of the greats in my field, tinkering with busy work BS for hours like my website pages that no one visits anyway, never knowing why I didn't reach my potential...
You'll receive:
- A month's worth of daily/weekly checkins, Q&As, and support
- Unlimited all access accountability coaching
- Up to 60 minutes of group face-to-face video coaching
- Members-only support group
Listen love, I have tried all the productivity systems too…
The only problem with programs and project management robots like Asana, Trello, Basecamp, Evernote, Google suite, calling your momma on Wednesdays, or even the timeless system of simply using plain old pen and paper... is that they can not follow up with you and hold you accountable on the tasks you set out to do by a certain date and time, and keep following up personally until you get er done!
Google Calendar is not going to call you and ask you why you’ve only made 8 out of 50 sales calls this week when you know damn well your closing conversion rate puts money in the bank at no less than 50 calls…(not to mention help school you on what your closing conversion rate is if this is the first time you've even heard the term, ouch!)
You need someone who has been there + done that, and knows exactly how to keep you focused and make sure you are getting the RIGHT things done every week for your life or business brand situations as they come and go.
I want you to be sitting on the beach enjoying success as much as you probably dream about too, but you cannot reach milestones like that working alone.
So I’d like to invite you to join me today in this intimate, priceless experience where we can immediately work together on re-wiring your process and set your world ablaze.
This all sounds fab, but you're maybe wondering what exactly will I get in THE 8% CLUB and do I even belong?

YOU belong, and your seat at the table awaits…
THE 8% CLUB is for
Women of all backgrounds and success level who are absolutely committed to making sure that they follow through on their goals no matter what, but may not necessarily need or can afford full strategy coaching packages. You know enough of what you need to do, you now need someone to step in and advise you where to turn, when to accelerate, and what to fully press brakes on.
Starting at only $111 a month, you’ll experience life changing daily + weekly sessions with me, personal text message check-ins every day, and a thorough web of attention where you will be supported and held accountable to your goals and to the agreed-upon action steps that you’ve committed to achieving daily/weekly.
If you have a goal….you need accountability. Period. No exceptions.
We all need it.
And one-on-one personalized accountability will help you get to your goals, FASTER.
Okayyy Letitia, I am ready to kiss my excuses + naughty behavior goodbye, what do I receive?!
During our time together, you will be working on applying the right tools, techniques, and habits in your everyday life so that you can:
βΎ Manifest the ideal day you’ve been fantasizing about for years in a more aligned way
βΎ Have more structure to your days and weeks so that you CAN take time for self-care
βΎ Beat procrastination and trust yourself to really move forward on your goals
βΎ Set boundaries with people and activities that take time away from you reaching your goals
βΎ Develop emotional resilience so that you’re not thrown off for days or weeks when something negative or traumatic happens
βΎ Free yourself from the fears and sabotaging self-talk that holds you back
βΎ Relieve stress and enjoy more peace and balance in your life...and who can resist that right!
Anddd if you choose the VIP option, you will..
Get priceless access to me for a one-on-one session we call the welcome party call!! This is the most beloved experience from all my clients in the last two decades. This is where we’ll go through a comprehensive assessment of your lifestyle, priorities, intentions, commitments, and your goals. I will then take everything you share and custom design your initial plan. You’ll then have a clear and COMPLETE plan to implement going forward.
All of this loving, ongoing accountability and support will lead to a positive upward spiral in your motivation, confidence, sense of control, and accomplishment towards your objectives. And let’s please not underestimate freedom.
Are you ready to finally move the needle in your manifesting or make progress towards your professional and personal goals so you can enjoy life as a selfmade woman?
2020 SPECIAL!!
Love a good deal? Show the universe how committed you are by investing in yourself with our launch pricing and save up to 40%, then never worry about failing or procrastination ever again!
ALL IN Committed - save 15%
You'll Receive:
- A private 1-on-1 Life or Business Audit call where I review 100% of your ideas and create an action plan
- A month's worth of daily/weekly checkins, Q&As, and personal support
- Unlimited all access accountability coaching
- FREE Lady Luna Club membership pass
- FREE High Vibe Journaling Club membership pass
- Tons of exclusive BONUSES!
VIP All-Star!! - save 25%
You'll Receive:
- EVERYTHING included in the All In monthly package
- Private one-to-one accountability coaching PLUS the group coaching
- VIP half day coaching call intensive where we go over ALL things happening for you right now
- Custom tailored action plan with full month-to-month breakdown of strategies
- Daily checkins just for you, sent privately for focus, clarity, and confidentiality
- Personalized worksheets, workbooks, and journals created just for you by our team
- FREE Access to ALL SelfMade Ladies courses in our School
No clear path in sight yet? Book a Pre-Chatter now! These one on one sessions are perfect for getting started and advised before joining 'THE 8% CLUB. A session is 45 mins to 2 hours (everyone’s needs are different) and will equip you to walk away with a solid roadmap and itemized list of MITs to accomplish in sequential order.
No worries. Is it one of these frequently asked questions?
How do I know if I need 1:1 coaching, much less accountability + consistency support to be specific?
Can I try a few days before I commit to a full monthly program?
Is it truly unlimited?
How do you measure my progress?
How does Text Coaching work, will you really respond 24/7?
Can I cancel easily at any time?
Ok I am ready for this, whatβs my next step?
24/7 Accountable support. Truly unlimited.
The accountability + coaching inside THE 8% CLUB is truly unlimited, and truly on demand. Right from your pocket, day or night. No matter how many questions you have, we are here to work with you on your schedule for your BIG visions and goals.