YOU know you have what it takes to succeed.
But there is one catch....

there's one thing holding your best laid plans hostage and keeps you stuck
That #1 barrier to you actually following through with your many dreams and desired results:
Self Sabotage
Does this sound like you?
"What am I even doing?"
This indeed is the age old question for the overwhelmed, busy, and directionless mind trying to make it ahead in life or business. "What the actual heck am I doing?!" you say to no one in particular...almost daily. That's because a little pesty problem persists. No matter how ambitious, focused, and determined you feel, doing what you say you're going to do is a b**tch. Doing it consistently Now THAT, is some Oprah level mastery.
Your inconsistency ends now.
Accountability Coaching exists for you to embody the person who has an idea, and actually follows through.
π» π» π» π»
“I’m too exhausted to do my workout or run a relaxing bath. I’ll do it tomorrow instead as a reward for working these extra hours.”
That’s Self Sabotage.
“I feel like I need to do more outreach but people might think I am annoying them...damn where did the last half an hour go?!”
That’s Self Sabotage.
“I really want to raise my prices so bad and earn more income, but then I worry people will think I'm greedy and unfair.“
That’s Self Sabotage.
“Hmmm…I shouldn’t connect right now, they are probably busy, I will call or message tomorrow.”
That’s Self Sabotage.
"I'm pretty sure I need to perfect + tinker around with my website just a little bit more before I start promoting myself..."
Yup! You guessed it. That’s Self Sabotage.
I know you find yourself at the end of a long day, or year, wondering where the time has gone. Why are there still so many dreams left unrealized. Why do you have to struggle your way to the top!
Screw Downloading Another 'Guru Secrets' Freebie.
You Need Results.
Because you and I both don’t have any more time to waste.
So the real question is...
How can I personally relieve you of roadblocks today?
You are trying to do something. Create something. Become someone. Go places. Make impact.
Yet, if you're finding your thoughts are hella messy and you struggle to take decisive action, I can 150% help you. Together we can and will break any of your daily challenges, frustrations, or big vision goals into small and manageable daily steps that you can complete in 20 minutes or less. It all happens via laser focused, results-oriented accountability check-ins and you pay only for what you need.
I have found that the real reason you are not yet experiencing the reality you so deeply want for yourself...
So how can you get everything done that you want and have ease, joy and clarity at the same time?
I have the answer dear friend, because this is what I have decided to master in my work. It’s my expertise. And it’s what I’ll be sharing with you here on this page.
I am a belief clearing expert for women and founder of the The 8% Club by THE SELFMADE LADIES. After working with hundreds of women all over the world, providing my life-changing belief clearing sessions and coaching workshops, I have developed a direct, honest, and “no-fluff” method to help YOU end self sabotage and overwhelm once and for all.
I help my clients see EXACTLY where they have been subconsciously blocking themselves and creating their own glass ceilings, so that they can break free, and shift from overwork to ease as they design a life and work that truly feels extraordinary.
This is the time for you to finally identify YOUR thing... your blocks...that specific thing that has been holding you back the whole time. Until you see this thing, all all the strategies and books and self-help guides in the world won’t do jack for you. Or you'll see something work for a bit, until you find yourself right back in the same place burned out, drained, and feeling let down by your progress. If that sounds way too familiar, you are reading the right page!
THIS is where you finally cut the shit and get energetically aligned at your core. No more hiding, no more procrastination
What if not dealing with your BS belief systems and blocks head on is the reason you haven’t expanded to your full potential yet? What if it was always as simple as clearing your belief patterns, and you kept avoiding this incredibly potent change by chasing after trendy shiny objects and the latest "guru" advice seen on Facebook? What if you finally stopped chasing your tail and admitted that maybe it's not about the external things, but the internal ones?
1. Expert Belief Clearing
We come together weekly and turn your vision into a solid action plan, where I then can see exactly what limiting beliefs are holding you back in your life or career path / business. Through your unlimited access to strategy + accountability coaching, we have a framework to clear your blocks and rapidly execute targeted actions to manifest your desired results.
2. Community
You will get to join an incredibly powerful and intimate group of devoted women who are also on their visionary path. There is a members-only mobile app that we call home, with growing resources and support. You are never alone. You are always celebrated, seen, and heard. You finally feel like you belong.

Alecia Bernardo
"Since joining The 8% Club, now when I have a setback or sabotaging thoughts, instead of delaying my progress weeks or months like I normally did, I'm back on track within a few days. I knew I finally needed the accountability because my life is hectic. I always intend to keep myself accountable but end up putting myself and what I need to do with my business LAST since I'm managing so many other people...I wish I had access to this right out of school!!"
Calling all Visionaries:
Stop Resisting and Start Winning
We are RESISTANCE warriors.
We know that anything worth doing is going to require overcoming the inner dialogue you have playing 24/7 and don't even realize is the ROOT CAUSE for your goals not being accomplished. You keep telling yourself it's the damn STRATEGY. But you could learn everything under the sun there is to learn, and your ass would still be in the same place next year. FINANCIALLY. EMOTIONALLY. PHYSICALLY. Its that inner dialogue that tells you naughty things like you don't deserve that yet, or don't make that call, or just put off following up with that client until next week when you're more polished and ready.
Ahh, the evil paradox of being ready.
Your inner dialogue is totally calling the shots. Not you.
But thankfully we have the secret weapon.
Accountability Coaching
You say what you are going to do, and we clear out any obstacle standing in your way to make sure you actually get it done. No excuses. No exceptions.
Every. Single. Week.
Month-to-month laser focused accountability + coaching to clarify your big visions, your message, intentions and goals, or personal brand without having to learn something new or buy another damn online course...cuz you're a savvy woman and your family needs food!Accountability beats self-sabotage. Every time.
Staying focused, productive, and confident as you constantly strive to grow + expand in your life, is one of the hardest things to do. In fact it was proven that 92% of people fail at accomplishing their goals. We created The 8% Club to solve this problem for you once and for all.
When was the last time you let a project drag out over 3 months when you know darn well it only needed to take 3 weeks?
How many brilliant ideas have you had and not followed through on because of the stories and false narratives you convinced yourself were facts?
How many healthy habits have you been wanting to incorporate, but never seem to "find the time" or "have the money"?
You are not alone.
There is indeed a simple solution.
We hold you accountable. We locate the voice inside your head is saying...
"I can wait until later, I need to do these 10 things first."
“It doesn’t matter, no one will buy this anyway.”
"Prioritizing friendships and networking won't make me money, and I feel broke like a joke.. Let me work harder!"
Instead we have you staying true to consistent, daily actions that are in 100% alignment with your desired vision for life.
As with anything that calls for a busy woman like you to change their behavior, it isn’t going to be quite that easy. You could continue to keep doing everything alone on your struggle bus, but you don’t have to. Get off that bus and connect with your very own belief clearing expert + strategic accountability coach through our proprietary formula that more than triples your chances of sticking with successful actions for 4 months or more! Guaranteed. Feel like a VIP with the unmatched level of accessibility (having a ‘coach in your pocket’) and the convenience that will be of enormous value for you to easily integrate with your daily lifestyle habits. Significantly improve the effectiveness of all your ongoing progress starting today!
If you’ve noticed that having a sounding board and accountability partner who checks in at intervals keeps a fire under your own growth, The 8% Club is the most affordable and accessible solution for you to gain access to a coach, on top of as-needed support via text to help throughout the month with feedback which will help you stay in top form in your work or life. This club puts my 17 years experience in your corner...ready to be your connection to the science and strategy that will elevate you to your best thinking, doing, and being.
Working with me, you'll start to get total joy from checking off items on your list that are your MITs - most important tasks.
Accountability coaching is your secret weapon to help grow and establish your daily rituals, manifestations, or business.
Join the The 8% Club and unlock the support and know-how you need to transform your life-changing goals into reality...finally!
**only 30 spots available in 2021**
Create An Environment In Your Brain Where
Success Becomes Inevitable
Please do not read any further if:
You want to keep your passion projects or creative ideas as just that… an idea. Perfectly formed in your head and imagination, but never actually coming into reality!
You would prefer to keep pointing the finger at technology, the competitive market, Coronavirus, or your lack of time and money as the reason you never get your goals off the ground (even though you can see others accomplishing the exact same things you want...right now)
You are not willing to get uncomfortable, venture out of your comfort zone, think differently, behave in new ways that buck at status quo, or get really truly honest about the mindset blocks you are allowing to hold you back from the incredible potential you’re capable of
Because you’ve got Stress and Struggle likely from indulging in:
Being scatter brained
Over giving
People pleasing
Fear of rejection
Micro self-destructive behaviors
Start feeling like a winner and create work-life harmony with the perfect blend of results-based coaching, strategic accountability, and tight-knit community that feels like family
Guess what! Science says 92% of people never achieve their goals. How depressing. We are here for the 8% who are ready to achieve the big things they can’t stop dreaming about! What's your dream? Isn't it time you finally experience it full out?
Every 90 days, you’ll work with your dedicated coach to set your vision, craft your roadmap, and feel inspired to take focused action every single day. And on those days you feel like crap, we have your back even more.
Join The 8% Club now to overcome your pesky saboteurs, overcome fear, and transform your life one month at a time.
Do any of these sound familiar?
Self Promotion - You try sharing more about yourself, and it's always crickets. You can literally feel your throat Chakra shut down.
Balance - You are always "busy" or working so hard, but in the end mostly procrastinating and wondering where the time went.
Money - You’d rather not even deal with the state of your finances and bank account. Period.
Sales - The last time you tried asking someone to buy your offer, the feeling in your stomach was something you'd rather not repeat!
The problem with avoiding your money, or your freedom schedule, or promoting your natural gifts with the world, not to mention other key aspects of what makes your life + work fulfilling, is that then you don’t really have sustainable success.
So what's a high vibe, visionary woman to do!
Its not your fault. You’ve been programmed by patriarchal society and parental stories since birth about HARD WORK, and you have to SUFFER FOR WHAT YOU LOVE, and all that other B.S.
Now, of course living a life you love takes effort. But it never really required this onslaught of blood sweat and tears. It only ever required of us to be in authentic energetic alignment, every day, no matter what. Not effort in pain and suffering. There is a big difference.
I’m with you. I went through years of suffering and struggle, until I realized it was my belief systems (B.S.) holding me hostage there. I chose liberation and belief clearing and reprogramming, and that's when my life and work and income and relationships...literally changed almost immediately.
Most traditional coaching or productivity tools and solutions don’t work because they require a lot of willpower and following someone else's formula of what you "should do" in order to succeed.
That's not how we roll here at The 8% Club. All you need to do is show up and the built in evidence-based psychological strategy will immediately start influencing your behavior in a positive way so that success becomes inevitable.
This means you will have a coach who is optimizing your goal planning, your execution, and your thinking...making this the closest thing to guaranteeing success.
Only foolish people would keep trying to do everything themselves and waste valuable time, energy, and willpower grinding it out on their own.
Smart women like you build systems around themselves that make things automatic and effortless.
Joining The 8% Club is like upgrading to a new system for your life that makes everything else easier. So you can breathe. And enjoy fruits of your labor.
Step 1
Pick a specific goal or challenge you are facing right now
For example, it could be quitting your job to start a business, or creating a healthier money mindset, or simply being held accountable to complete your chores! Anything that would benefit from support or a kick in the butt throughout the day. Work through the vision mapping introductory session, create a blueprint for your inevitable success, and retrain your brain to combat addictive patterns, negative self talk, self-sabotage, perfectionism, and procrastination. When you sign up for The 8% Club, you’ll immediately be assigned to your dedicated accountability coach who will personalize your experience from top to bottom.

Step 2
Receive UNLIMITED Coaching
Yes, unlimited support, pep talks, accountability, and kicks in the butt! The conversations you have with yourself determine your success. Your coach will help you cultivate new belief systems so you keep moving - even when you hit roadblocks.
Your Coach Does All The Heavy Lifting
- asking the right questions
- organizing your thoughts
- clearing out resistance
- breaking down goals into realistic action steps
- scheduling time on your calendar
- tracking all results and progress
…so you effectively clarify your goals, identify your most impactful or most profitable activities, and stay true to the action plan for the week ahead.
Step 3
Be Held Accountable Daily & Eliminate Roadblocks
Receive a perfectly custom 90-day roadmap inside our club app. No more doubt and confusion about what to do each day or week. Instead, you'll finally experience clarity over your to-do list. Stay on the path with the help of daily check-ins and UNLIMITED coaching calls. Armed with your plan, you go into each week with incredible results-driven focus. You no longer feel overwhelmed. You wake up in the morning and act with deliberate intention because you already know exactly what you need to do for the day.

Step 4
Never Feel Alone
With support from your coach and like-minded peers, you’re empowered to think bigger and achieve more. Ask questions, get ideas, and find solutions - fast. Be accountable to a community who believe in you, and your best self will thrive. No more running around all over Google or online groups to ask questions that never get the right answers..for YOU. Moving in circles is a thing of the past. Instead you finally make measurable, weekly progress towards your goals with confidence and momentum. Taking actions requires less hustle, resistance, and or willpower because you ....
Are no longer going this alone.

Let's Grow Together
What have you been missing?!
Hey love, hey! Letitia Elizabeth here. For the past 13+ years I have helped hundreds of women transform their ambitious and entrepreneurial lives, and the ONE THING that guaranteed they accomplished what they set out to achieve was not my expert strategies or cornball smile, (it's a good smile tho right!) it was ACCOUNTABILITY-style coaching. Why? Because I was once there too; at the very beginning of my one-woman-cant-afford-any-team-members-show it was just me, myself and I, trying to always stay self-motivated and self-disciplined to never fall off the wagon. Ever.
Now my humble mission in life is to save others from headaches + heartaches by making it my sole job to give you clarity on what needs to get done and the accountability to make sure you do it. My targeted coaching eliminates overwhelm, destroy self-sabotage, lock in laser focus and help you get more done in a few days than most people do in a month.
Double your productivity in 30 days. No will power required.
YES! I NEED THIS NOWBecome More Intentional + Review Each Week + Improve Results
At the end of the week, your personalized success ritual starts again with your coach always there by your side and available at the tap of a button.
Together we review your past 7 days:
Successes. Struggles. What got done. What didn’t.
What you could do better next time. How you feel.
Together, you’ll celebrate the wins and draw powerful insights from any obstacles you faced. Your coach will record everything down in the members-only app to support potent self reflection and make consistent improvements over time. Finally, while integrating lessons from the past week, your coach will re-adjust what’s necessary and begin guiding the ritual for the new week ahead!
The End Result Is Simple: Consistently Turn Your Goals Into New Beliefs + Concrete Results
To be honest it could be costing you lots of money. How much depends on your level of stagnation (and how badly you are resisting doing the inner work!)
It’s also costing precious energy you really cannot afford to keep leaking out everywhere when so many people depend on you. All that divine creative energy you would otherwise have for relaxation, hobbies, clients, or creating new offers, it's all getting wasted.
You also give up your ability to do the work you love, or at least more of it.
Mostly this is costing you love and belief in yourself. It hurts (I know personally) to feel all that goodness you have to give, and not be able to give it because you have self-belief blocks.
Don’t let that continue. Let’s get you back in flow, and in love with your reality!
If not, you will keep experiencing...
Reality 1 : You’re Hiding
Maybe you’ve been starting and stopping drafts for your blog, or email list, or social media profile for months because no one ever quite seems to interact or sign up in big numbers like you wish for. In our first weeks togethers, you'll see where you have been playing safe because of previous conditionings and judgements you’ve received. Then the fears come up…
Who do you think you are?
Why would you ever think that would work?
Self promotion is smarmy. Its not spiritual. Don’t do it!
In The 8% Club you get to clear the energy and beliefs with Letitia. Then all of a sudden you get inspired, and share a personal story, someone loves it and connects with you to become friends, or signs up for your next offer, or refers you to an exciting opportunity. Doors start to open for you immediately!
Reality 2: You’re Procrastinating
You make your list every day of your priorities. You know you need to “put yourself out there” and reach out to people and connect.
You know you have to do SOME KIND of sales or marketing. But you can feel the fear (or you’ve gotten great at shoving it down!) so now you are procrastinating. Cleaning the house, organizing your desktop, or “thinking” and planning and putting up your website… even though none of that is your strength or passion.
In The 8% Club we locate your blocks around marketing, and it has nothing to do with marketing. You see the REAL root of your fears. You see the specific belief that has been holding you back, and the anxiety starts to ease. Then it totally shifts!
Now that anxiety is more like excitement. The next day you get a call, out of no where, from someone who heard about your work and wants to set up a time to discuss hiring you. Manifestations and synchronicities seem like coincidence, but you start to realize it's your own power.
Reality 3: You struggle with Self Worth
Sometimes, you get paralyzed. That inner critic rises up and kicks your ass. You can be rocking along, creating, starting to put yourself out there, and then boom! You start to think things like "who are you to say this or do that" and "Its not safe to get too big, or expand do much. Stay small, small is safe" or "why are you so greedy always wanting more more more?"
This shows up in your life as you constantly creating free content and giving it away. Dealing with hang ups about selling and money. Feeling like an imposter who doesn't deserve finer things or big opportunities. Truth is, none of that will change until you realize it's about something deeper, something from your childhood. Something you got possibly even from your parents, or their parents. Its deep. You see how much the inner critic has been running the show. You finally replace all those belief patterns with love and confidence and worthiness. Then, as if by magic, you report back that you feel SO different about money, or about charging more for your services. About being more visible and standing in your truth. Unwavering. Unapologetic.
What do I get in The 8% Club membership?
YOU belong, and your seat at the table awaits!
THE 8% CLUB is for...Women of all backgrounds and success levels who are absolutely committed to making sure that they follow through on their goals no matter what, but may not necessarily need or can afford full strategy coaching packages. You know enough of what you need to do, you now need someone to step in and advise you where to turn, when to accelerate, and what to fully press brakes on.
For only $350 a month, you’ll experience life changing daily + weekly sessions with an expert coach, personal text message check-ins every day, and a thorough web of attention where you will be supported and held accountable to your goals and to the agreed-upon action steps that you’ve committed to achieving daily/weekly.
If you have a goal….you need accountability. Period. No exceptions.
We all need it.
And one-on-one personalized accountability will help you get to your goals, FASTER.
Okayyy Letitia, I am ready to kiss my excuses + naughty behavior goodbye, what do I receive?!
During our time together, you will be working on applying the right tools, techniques, and habits in your everyday life so that you can:
βΎ Manifest the ideal day you’ve been fantasizing about for years in a more aligned way
βΎ Have more structure to your days and weeks so that you CAN take time for self-care
βΎ Beat procrastination and trust yourself to really move forward on your goals
βΎ Set boundaries with people and activities that take time away from you succeeding
βΎ Develop emotional resilience so that you’re not thrown off for days or weeks when something negative or traumatic happens
βΎ Free yourself from the fears and sabotaging self-talk that holds you back
βΎ Relieve stress and enjoy more peace and balance in your life...and who can resist that right!
Anddd if you choose the VIP option, you will..
Get priceless access to me for a one-on-one session we call the welcome party call!! This is the most beloved experience from all my clients in the last two decades. This is where we’ll go through a comprehensive assessment of your lifestyle, priorities, intentions, commitments, and your goals. I will then take everything you share and custom design your initial plan. You’ll then have a clear and COMPLETE plan to implement going forward.
All of this loving, ongoing accountability and support will lead to a positive upward spiral in your motivation, confidence, sense of control, and accomplishment towards your objectives. And let’s please not underestimate freedom.
Are you ready to finally move the needle in your manifesting or make progress towards your professional and personal goals so you can enjoy life as a selfmade woman?
Join dozens of visionary women and business owners who have used The 8% Club to double their positive belief systems & productivity overnight
I don’t want you to just feel like you’re creating a life or business you love.
I want you to actually create one.
This membership is NOT for you if you just want to moan and sit around doing the same old things that aren’t getting you results and play in the comfort zone.
It’s time to shift the energy, take the radical action you would never take on your own and get supported every step of the way.
Pricing 2021 SPECIAL!
Choose Your Plan
Love a good deal? Show the universe how committed you are by investing in yourself with our limited-time pricing and save up to 40%, then never worry about failing or procrastination ever again!
- Goal-Setting Session with Your Coach
- Daily + Weekly Check-ins
- Exclusive Community
- SML Journal mailed to you every quarter
- Bonus! ALL ACESS Training Library
Sign up today and get instant access to our entire archive of cutting edge trainings on success psychology, money mindset, manifestation, business strategy and more! Plus new trainings released every month!
Now what?
You’ve overdosed on online courses, DIY’ed as much as you can and have more than enough online tools than you'll ever need.
Up until this point...
You've had trouble organizing your thoughts and ideas, and...
everything feels random & scattered!
This blows your mind because you know deep down you are smart and capable.
Why don't you feel any clearer about your next move?
The thing is (and I'm gonna give it to you straight)…..
You're most likely working a job, raising a family, trying to keep your relationship together, spin all the plates and trying to drink enough water. Doing whatever the hell those aerial yoga moves are that give people nice arms!
All while also either trying be the best human, stay healthy, tap into your spirituality, invest in your retirement, ohhh and not to mention building or growing a business after dark in the wee hours of the morning or evenings without a mentor or a friggin strategy that makes sense.
You’re like an Olympian without a coach.
With everything you have going on in your life right now, you need someone by your side to give you a customized strategy, hold you accountable while accepting no BS excuse and one who lovingly takes into consideration:
Your vision
Your current mindset
Your strengths
Your life.
You need Clarity, Design, Strategy, Accountability & Results.
At the core of our service is one simple idea: we help you install and maintain a signature Weekly Ritual that will become powerful fuel for everything in your life.
No worries. Is it one of these frequently asked questions?
What do I receive when I sign up?
How does payment work, is there a contract?
It sounds expensive, Iβm not sure I can justify that expense right now.
What if I don't like it, cant I get a refund?
How long are the coaching calls?
Do I have to have a business or choose whether to work on professional or personal goals in order to join?
What sort of businesses owners join The 8% Club?
Accountability sounds great, but if I own a business will I receive biz strategy as well?
I have so many different things Iβm working on -- my business, my health, my family. Is this right for me if I have several ideas and not sure which one to pursue?
What is the investment?
What is the cancellation policy?
Where will you be in 12 weeks?
Think back to 3 months ago. What was on your to-do list? What dreams did you have? If you’re like most people, the list looks strikingly similar to the list sitting in front of you and the dreams in the back of your mind today. Now fast forward 3 months into the future. Is it the same list? The same fantasies? It doesn’t have to be. You can decide today to make those dreams a reality. And we can make it happen. Together.